
A SliTaz egy kicsi és gyors operációs rendszer, ami saját csomagkezelővel rendelkezik és ezen felül pedig nagyon ötletes, egyedi megoldásokból sincs hiány.

A saját szavaikkal:

About SliTaz

Small, fast, stable and easy to use!

Introduction to the project

SliTaz GNU/Linux is a free operating system working completely in memory from removable media such as a CD-ROM or USB key. It is light, speedy and fully installable on a hard drive. SliTaz is distributed in the form of a LiveCD that you can easily burn to a cdrom and boot from. When the system is running you can eject the LiveCD and use your CD drive for other tasks. The Live system provides a fully-featured, working graphical distro and lets you keep your data and personal settings on persistent media. The system can be extended with the Tazpkg package manager and security updates are provided for the cooking and stable versions.
SliTaz project provides free technical support to users through the Mailing list (i18n list) and the English Forum. You can also contact us for more information, suggestions, or comments using the list or directly by mail: <devel at>

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Devuan linux

A systemd rendszerkomponens körül kialakult viták miatt egy csapat elkötelezett fejlesztő kilépett a Debian csapatából és megalkotta saját, immáron systemd mentes operációs rendszerét Devuan néven.

Egészen pontosan, idézve saját, angol nyelvű megfogalmazásukat a főoldalról:

Welcome to DevuanDevuan GNU+Linux is a fork of Debian without systemd. Devuan’s stable release is now2.0.0 ASCII. The 1.0.0 Jessie release (LTS) has moved to oldstable status. Since thedeclaration of intention to fork in 2014, infrastructure has been put in place to support Devuan’s mission to offer users control over their system. Devuan Jessie provided a safe upgrade path from Debian 7 (Wheezy) and Debian 8 (Jessie). Now Devuan ASCII offers an upgrade from Devuan Jessie as well as a transition from Debian 9 (Stretch) that avoids unnecessary entanglements and ensures Init Freedom.
Devuan aliases its releases using minor planet names as codenames. Devuan file names follow this release naming scheme.

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